One-Punch Man Wiki

TV Junkyard Monster was a Mysterious Being from the One-Punch Man OVAs. It was killed by Puri-Puri Prisoner.[1]


TV Junkyard Monster was made out of old junk and scrap from the junkyard it was made in, such as having an old TV for its head.

Appearances in Other Media[]


Puri-Puri Prisoner and the Jailbreaking Prisoners[]

TV Junkyard Monster was created in the Junkyard outside Smelly Lid Prison on a dark stormy night. He screams and begins to walk into the darkness. He is later seen on the news as Puri-Puri Prisoner watches from his prison cell and decides to go after him as the incident is conveniently close to the prison.

Puri-Puri Prisoner breaks out of prison and, without warning, kills TV Junkyard Monster in one punch. Before the monster's death, he looks up towards the S-Class hero, showing no emotion.

