One-Punch Man Wiki

"Struggle of the Blizzard Group" (フブキ組の奮闘, Fubuki-Gumi no Funtō) is an extra chapter included with Volume 9.


The Blizzard Group is in need of a new car. Fubuki suggests that there are plenty of flyers nearby and if they, the Blizzard Group, work together they should be able to earn 5 million, enough to buy a new car. The Blizzard Group begins on their part time jobs for a week. They work tirelessly, but only manage to earn 3.5 million. Luckily, Fubuki earned 2 million by herself, thus fulfilling the goal. The rest of the Blizzard Group are all very confused about how she was able to earn so much. Fubuki stated she "put her body on the line". This led the group to misinterpret Fubuki's statement, until she revealed the bounty flyers she completed. Finally, the group were able to buy a new car. Simultaneously, they receive a call of a monster on the loose. They charge forth with their new car, but end up stuck in traffic. In the end, Saitama kills the monster instead.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

  1. Mountain Ape (Cover)
  2. Fubuki (Cover)
  3. Eyelashes (Cover)
  4. Lily (Cover)
  5. Hyaha Axe (Debut)
  6. Saitama


Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 12345678Extra
Volume 2
Volume 3 1617181920ExtraSpecial
Volume 4
Volume 5 2526272829ExtraOmake
Volume 6
Volume 7 353637Extra 1Extra 2Extra 3Omake 1Omake 2
Volume 8
Volume 9 41424344454647Extra
Volume 10
Volume 11 565758596061Extra 1Extra 2
Volume 12
Volume 13 68697071Special
Volume 14
Volume 15 7677787980Extra 1Extra 2Extra 3
Volume 16
Volume 17 858687ExtraOmake
Volume 18
Volume 19 91929394Extra
Volume 20
Volume 21 979899100101Extra
Volume 22
Volume 23 107108109110111112Extra
Volume 24
Volume 25 119 • 120 • 121 • 122 • 123 • 124 • 125 • ExtraExtra
Volume 26
Volume 27 132 • 133 • 134 • 135 • 136 • 137
Volume 28
Volume 29 144 • 145 • 146 • 147 • 148 • 149 • 149 • 150
Volume 30
Volume 31 157 • 158 • 159 • 160 • 161
Other Extra Edition 10Catch & Smash
Retconned Chapters