One-Punch Man Wiki

Fire Manipulation is the ability to generate and control flames to the users will whether through artificial or natural means.


The potency of flames created varies. Genos can create blasts that blow up stone cliff-faces and a large chunk of a mountain’s top, and Orochi's flames are hot enough to melt stone.

The ability to generate fire may be gained through monsterification or by using mechanical incendiary devices. Enjoe and Hellfire Flame are the only humans shown to be able to generate fire without the use of other tools.

List of Known Users

Name Affiliation Status
Blue Fire (via flamethrower) Hero Association Alive
Drive Knight Hero Association Alive
Enjoe The Mediocre Ability Users Alive
Genos Hero Association
Saitama Group
Hellfire Flame Monster Association Alive
Orochi Monster Association Alive
Phoenix Man Monster Association Deceased †
Vacuuma (through his Digestive Assimilation) Monster Association Deceased †