Elasticity is the ability to stretch, elongate, flex, and twist, and otherwise manipulate one's body into impossible shapes for various purposes.
The user can become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing them to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract their whole body. For example, Pig God can stretch open his mouth to inhumanly wide proportions, allowing him to consume prey that is even larger than himself, as shown when Pig God was able to swallow The Great Food Tub, a Demon-level threat that was clearly much larger than himself, or Orochi can extend his horns to great distances as well as stretch and deform his physical shape like taffy. He can also stretch his arms a good distance away, and snap it back like a rubber band afterward. Another example is Nyan can deform and stretch its body to pass through cracks wider than 3 millimetres or to escape from being tied up.[citation needed]
List of Known Users[]