One-Punch Man Wiki

Dark Hell Assassination (闇地獄殺人術, Yami jigoku satsujin-jutsu; Viz: Art of the Darkness Hellkiller) is a brutal fighting style used by Bakuzan.


Dark Hell Assassination is a fighting style invented by Bakuzan that focuses on delivering fatal strikes to an opponent. The style is very aggressive and power-reliant, demonstrating the sadistic brutality Bakuzan possesses. He focuses on important vital areas of the body such as the ribs and the top of the head. He also focuses on incapacitating his opponents and preventing them from moving, targeting the legs as well as the other vital organs in order to prevent his opponents from escaping. His strike placement and variation is an important part of his style.

Known Techniques[]

Hell Dispatch Chop

Hell Dispatch Chop

  • Devil Cry Low Kick (鬼泣き下段蹴り, Oni naki gedan keri, Viz: Demon Weeper Low Kick): Bakuzan kicks his opponent's leg, pulverizing his/her bones so that he/she will never stand again.[1]
  • Bear Killer Mid Kick (熊殺し中段蹴り, Kuma koroshi chūdangeri): Bakuzan kicks the arm of his opponent to make sure he/she will not be able to retaliate.[1]
  • Carnage Thrust (修羅正拳突き, Shura seikendzuki, Viz: Carnage Punch): Bakuzan punches the body of his opponent with enough force to blow them apart.[1]
  • Hell Dispatch Chop (地獄送り手刀, Jigoku okuri tegatana, Viz: Hell Bringing Hand Chop): Bakuzan launches a chop to the skull of his opponent to finish them off, possibly killing them as well.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 One-Punch Man Manga and Anime; Chapter 64, page 5, and Episode 18

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Abilities & Fighting Styles
Supernatural Abilities ClairvoyanceEnergy ProjectionFlightFusionGravity ManipulationIndomitable WillMind ControlNon-Physical InteractionPhoenix SpacePortal CreationPower BestowalPsychokinesisReanimationResurrectionTelepathyTime TravelTransformation
Physical Abilities
Elemental Abilities Acid ManipulationAir ManipulationElectricity ManipulationFire ManipulationIce ManipulationLight ManipulationPlant ManipulationPoison ManipulationWater Manipulation
Fighting Styles