One-Punch Man Wiki
One-Punch Man Wiki

"Being Strong Is Fun" (強いは楽しい, Tsuyoi wa Tanoshī, Tonari: 107 + 108) of the One-Punch Man manga series.


Suiryu and Saitama size each other up while the announcer and audience have no idea what's really going on, and several of the defeated fighters wonder what's really going on.

Suiryu takes the fight more seriously using strong kicks to push Saitama to the edge of the arena and kicking him in the air then back down and landing on Saitama's face, shocking the spectators. Saitama comes out completely unharmed, trying to keep his wig on. As they fight Sneck and Max come and point out Suiryu's fighting style, using only leg techniques and hiding his true strength. As they fight, Suiryu proclaims he will only use kicks to make the fight more exciting and dares Saitama to punch him, only for Saitama to back away. Suiryu analyzes him and asks him about his everyday routine. When Saitama lets it slip he fights monsters, Suiryu quickly blow off his claim on being a hero, stating there is no such thing as good heroes.

Meanwhile the Tank Topper Army fight the monsters that invaded the hospital and Mumen Rider is struggling against Gyoffrey as he tries to protect the patients, but was saved by Tanktop Master.

At the Super Fight tournament Suiryu bashed on heroes and the industry and kicks Saitama on the head, blowing off his wig. Saitama answers back, telling Suiryu not to get any stronger if he wants to have fun before throwing a punch, stopping before Suiryu's face, and tearing his shirt in the process.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Chapter Notes[]

Chapter 70

The old cover of the chapter

Chapter 70 V2

Online Cover


Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 12345678Extra
Volume 2
Volume 3 1617181920ExtraSpecial
Volume 4
Volume 5 2526272829ExtraOmake
Volume 6
Volume 7 353637Extra 1Extra 2Extra 3Omake 1Omake 2
Volume 8
Volume 9 41424344454647Extra
Volume 10
Volume 11 565758596061Extra 1Extra 2
Volume 12
Volume 13 68697071Special
Volume 14
Volume 15 7677787980Extra 1Extra 2Extra 3
Volume 16
Volume 17 858687ExtraOmake
Volume 18
Volume 19 91929394Extra
Volume 20
Volume 21 979899100101Extra
Volume 22
Volume 23 107108109110111112Extra
Volume 24
Volume 25 119 • 120 • 121 • 122 • 123 • 124 • 125 • ExtraExtra
Volume 26
Volume 27 132 • 133 • 134 • 135 • 136 • 137
Volume 28
Volume 29 144 • 145 • 146 • 147 • 148 • 149 • 149 • 150
Volume 30
Volume 31 157 • 158 • 159 • 160 • 161
Volume 32
Online 119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208
Other Extra Edition 10Catch & Smash
Retconned Chapters
Super Fight Arc
Manga Chapters 666768697071727374757677
Manga Volumes
Webcomic Chapters None
Fights Sneck vs. SuiryuChild Emperor and Pig God vs. EyesightGarou vs. Watchdog ManHeroes vs. Hundred-Eyes OctopusAtomic Samurai vs. HaragiriSaitama vs. SuiryuSuiryu vs. Choze, Benpatsu, Volten, and HamukichiSuiryu vs. GouketsuSuiryu, Sneck, and Lightning Max vs. The Three CrowsGouketsu vs. BakuzanPuri-Puri Prisoner vs. Free Hugger