One-Punch Man Wiki

A currently unnamed male worker at the Hero Association.


He is a young men with brown eyes and hair, that is parted in the middle and flips outward and has an undercut. He wears a standard black business suit with a white shirt and green tie and also wears round glasses.


Introduction Saga

House of Evolution Arc

He is seen with his partner at the, now destroyed, House of Evolution headquarters. He comment on the damage the culprit has caused.[1]

Hero Association Saga

National Superhero Registry Arc

During the meeting they were discussing the upcoming hero exam. Later he was seen interviewing Genos and questioning him about whether or not he was the one that destroyed the House of Evolution. After the exams were over he was with Sneck, informing him about the result of Genos and Saitama, telling him the latter might surpass him.[2]


  1. One-Punch Man Episode 3
  2. One-Punch Man Episode 5